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With the update of our website, we wanted to improve the user experience not only on our site but also to make it more convenient for you to use your own website.
That’s why we are offering all our customers a 100% discount on the Nevigen Audit extension.
Simply go to your account, navigate to the coupons section, find discount code, and use it when ordering the extension.
This discount code is valid until 01.04.2025
Remember? We are always on your side! :)

Nevigen Audit - Users Analytics


The license and/or support applies to domain. You need to specify it. For example: Do not be mistaken, and check that it is correct when entering and ordering.
$ 0.00
$ 3495
Date update
J 4.4
J 5.2
PHP version (min)
Extension required
on domain
365 days

Detailed description

The extension allows you to conduct more detailed analytics on your store's customers.

You will be able to view the following information on the graphs:
  • Pareto cut (the so-called 20/80 ratio) the basis of this cut is the general rule that 20% of clients bring 80% of the income, and the remaining 80% of clients only 20% of the income.
  • View analytics of user groups by amounts. Which groups bring you income in what volume.
  • Analytical graph of store visits by your regular users. Users who are registered, have their own account and are authorized on your site.
  • Analysis of users who are activated or not activated. gives an idea of the total volume of valid customers.
  • view a diagram of blocked or not users.
  • view a graph of new customer registrations by day.
  • analytics of customers who made orders in your store and those who did not make a single order.
  • view a list of your top 7 customers by orders amount.
  • adds a filter for users with orders to the user list view

All this data will help you structure your idea of your customers.
The extension will be updated and new features for analysis will be added.
You can take part in the improvement by sending a request for the analysis logic you need in the extension.
You just need to contact support with a request/suggestion for improvement or implementation of new functionality.

Installation instructions:
After purchase, installation is carried out through the installer, which you can download in your account and install on your website. After installing the installer, you will need to enter a license key, which you can also find in your account on our website. The license key will provide access to updates and support.
more about installation

Review Bonus: $ 1.00 once per product provided that you bought this product (required register or )

Reviews about Nevigen Audit - Users Analytics

Nevigen Audit - Users Analytics
Version v1.0.0 (24 March 2025)
  • note
    First version