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Cumulative discount system JoomShopping 5+


The license and/or support applies to domain. You need to specify it. For example: Do not be mistaken, and check that it is correct when entering and ordering.
$ 0.00
$ 2995
Date update
J 4.4
J 5.2
PHP version (min)
on domain
365 days

Detailed description

A flexible system of discounts, provides a more liberal approach on the part of buyers and a certain attachment and sales promotion.

In the component JoomShopping have several choices of discounts. One of these options is a participation in a particular buyer group. Each group is assigned a certain discount, and in-store customer who logged on and is part of a certain group sees immediately discounted prices.

For example:
The store created a group of buyers "wholesale buyer" at a discount 10%, to which the client belongs A.
The site contains product "Messenger" for $ 100.
When entering the client and seeing the price of "Communicator" - $ 100, after login the price of goods "Communicator" will show as $ 90.

Discount group applies to all goods store.

If customers in your store 5-10, you can independently track the statistics of their orders, and manually assign them to a group that the client was interested in buying more in your shop and get discounts on future purchases. Just like in the real world.
HOWEVER! if you have 100 customers? And if 500 or more? How long will the collection of statistics, the sum of orders and transfer of each client in a group?
And when you consider that in JoomShopping not provide for the establishment and output statistics on the client?

This plugin is designed to automate such work, ie transfer users to the desired group in achieving certain conditions.

  • Transfer to a group depending on the amount of all orders
  • Transfer to a group depending on the sum of one order
  • the selection of groups from which the transition in which
  • the separation of segments of translation (2 or more client segment)
  • Only stepwise transition or skippable groups
  • Create and send your own message to be transferred to a new group of customers shopping
  • Create and send your own message to be transferred to a new group, the administrator

The set of conditions can be combined. You define the conditions and everything. Then the implementation of customer orders are automatically recalculated amount and the client when the conditions indicated in your settings are automatically converted to the appropriate group.

This plugin only works on improving customer groups, ie he did not reassign the client to the group at a discount below the destination that could significantly affect customer loyalty.

And that's not all!
You probably already have a store and customers, and install this plugin because it is necessary to stimulate them. But the logic of the plugin will only take into account future orders. And what about the customers who have already made orders?
Do not worry! Assign the conditions for client groups. Save them. And press the " Reassign group ". All existing clients will be redefined in the group with the specified maximum transfer conditions, AUTOMATICALLY .

But that's not all!
The results of this plugin integrated into the " Profile template customer "and displayed as a string" Prior to the next discount level left: ..... "(if specified conditions), which allows the client to show the necessary information about the achievement of the following boundary value for the transition to a new level of discounts, that will encourage customers to make purchases.

Installation instructions:
After purchase, installation is carried out through the installer, which you can download in your account and install on your website. After installing the installer, you will need to enter a license key, which you can also find in your account on our website. The license key will provide access to updates and support.
more about installation

Review Bonus: $ 1.00 once per product provided that you bought this product (required register or )

Reviews about Cumulative discount system JoomShopping 5+

Cumulative discount system JoomShopping 5+
Version v1.0.0 (26 February 2025)
  • note
    First version