Similar and related products (products internal linking) in JoomShopping

Allows you to automate the formation of a list of similar and / or related products JoomShopping
Similar and related products (products internal linking) in JoomShopping
Enter domain to which the extension is purchased
(+$ 10.00)

The bonus system - Your partner

Bonuses for buy: $ 1.80
(needed register or login)

reviews 10
5 10
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0

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Additional information

Updating date:
365 days
on domain

System requirements

PHP version (min)
5.6 - 7.x

PHP extensions
OpenSSL (/administrator/index.php?option=com_admin&view=sysinfo - OpenSSL support: enabled)


This extension allows for the withdrawal of the item card list of products that are similar to or substitutes for the related to one or more parameters.

Often, customers of any store, do not stop at choosing the first available product. This is reasonable and rational. Buying first proposed consultant, is solely at the emotional principle and usually depends on the abilities of the consultant to present the goods to the customer.
What to do online shopping, if he does not actually live consultant capable verbal ways to help make a choice?

Yes for an online store is the moment when the client can quietly at home, without too much pressure from the consultant to look for and choose an item. Pre comparing it to a large count of parameters, searching and looking counterparts.
As you can see, this specificity online store, is positive on the one hand, because the client makes an informed purchase and usually then be pleased, because it is an informed choice. On the other hand, an online store is to create the conditions for under which the client will look for similar goods on the websites of competitors, and on the website of your online store.

Of course, this extension will not be able to provide the client bind exclusively to your site and that customers will not look the other stores.
HOWEVER! You can significantly increase the usability as much as possible to keep the customer on your website. If he found the goods, for some reason does not fit (price / performance / producer, etc.), then using this extension, you can offer analogues or substitutes. Thereby providing a range of products, but the client is holding on its website.

This extension will be most useful online stores with a wide range of different manufacturers. For example, shops selling wheels and tires, cars and other spare parts, tools, children's clothes and toys, medicines, jewelry, stationery, etc.

At the same time, we want to bring to your attention that this extension allows for the accumulation of domestic transitions (relinking) in your online store, as well as increases the presence of visitors to the site, all of which provides one of the important components of SEO & nbsp; and promotes your site in search engines.


  • creation and automation generate a list of similar products for each product.
  • automation generate a list of related products for each product.
  • ensuring internal linking between the goods on characteristic features


  • select the type of formation of the list (similar / related)
  • automatically create a list of products related to:
    - price
    - free text
    - ID Product
    - article
    - characteristics / s
    - labels
    - random
  • form / clear lists of products in large quantities or only selected products.
  • to specify the number of added products
  • select the segment of the donor (category / manufacturer / seller)
  • add products to maintain control only with the presence of: pictures, prices, stock availability, published

Installation instructions:
This extension is put through the installer as usual JoomShopping addon.
The key is required for operation (to the specified domain) you get in your order immediately after payment.
It must be put into Options-Addons-Similar Products-Key (/administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=addons)

Reviews and rates (10)

Don't forget to rate purchase extended and get +50
Обязательно к приобретению, в моём случае подбор похожих товаров стал элементарным. Нет проблем, как и всегда, установил и пользуешься!
Интуитивно понятно. И удаление и добавление новых!
Нет таковых.
Константин Божков
Я доволен. По-моему, лучше уже некуда.
Очень большой функционал. Груповое удаление товаров, как оказалось, тоже очень нужная вещь.
Незаменимое расширение для увеличения среднего чека. Всем советую.
oleg Нагорный
очень полезное и необходимое расширение. Экономит кучу времени
Весьма полезное расширение, хотя есть место для расширения функционала.
Dmitry Buto
Понравилось расширение. Удобно. Жалко только что диапазоны нельзя задавать (+-%) для цены и характеристик.
Очень полезное и нужное расширение, во многом облегчает работу. Тех. поддержка на 5+
Очень хорошее расширение! экономит кучу времени, прост в настройках и гениален как и все другие расширения!!! разработчикам большой респект!!!!!
Если одним словом - ШИКАРНО !!! Разработчикам огромное спасибо!!!
Smart Support
Буду первым. Модуль отличный, помогает ускорить перелинковку между товарами. Работает шустро, для 100 товаров добавляет по 20 сопутствующих (к каждому), ну может быть за 2 секунды, не больше. У меня один из проектов, магазин дверей, и к данному расширению я прикрутил BxSlider. Теперь смотрится просто великолепно. Но есть один нюанс - если хочешь обновить все сопутствующие или аналогичные товары, то придется вначале удалить все (есть в расширении функционал), а потом только добавлять новые. Это не критично но как feature request разработчикам подал. Большое спасибо!

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