Often there are situations when you go to the store for bread, and come to the checkout counter with a basket full of goods. This indicates proper organization of the internal allocation of the goods or as they say now neuromarketing. Neuromarketing - marketing allows the buyer to make a purchase to get additional ( at the moment, "do not need" the goods to him ) using methods to influence the human subconscious. This is the right product placement, it is the construction of the passage ways of the client and building logical chains purchase.
However, often such a laborious work on building schemes to increase sales by this method, piles of goods ends near the cash register. The reason is that the client desires exceeded opportunities. Ie he is just not enough for the amount of calculation. And then he begins to choose, what of it "unnecessary", he scored, he does not need the most. And leave it at the cash register, and possibly even refuses to buy a whole.
Imagine a situation? Now tell me, if a man went home, took the money to be able to pay for all the "unnecessary typing", and returned to the store ... Will he take the cart back and go through all the rows in search of what he already took ? I think the answer is obvious. At best, he will still something unnecessary, but again, the situation could happen again.
That's it for the solution of similar problems in the virtual store, we did addon payment options later.
This is useful if one does not have sufficient funds in the account to pay (such as WebMoney, Yandex.Money, funds on the card and other means of payment).
to make an order, and when faced with such a problem, the buyer can always top up your account in the payment reference system, go to your kabinetv your store and in the order list by clicking [Pay] make payments after recharge your account. Without the need to go shopping again and select products. His cart was waiting for him. No further delays in finding products again, no queues at the checkout. This level of VIP service. Came without queues and unnecessary movements placed the order and received the goods.
- addon only fulfills orders with status "Completed" ( order status when it is displayed not red in the admin panel ).
In the standard version of the component JoomShopping such status only receive orders that were answered on the success of the implementation of on-line payment, which are mutually exclusive post-payment as payment has already been successfully implemented.
of termination of all orders included in the extension.
- You can select the status of your order, which will be activated when the possibility of a post-payment.
- Post-payment occurs only at the payment system selected when ordering.
(planned implementation of the possibility of changing the payment system in the next apdeyte)
- Addon only handles payment systems, which are presented in JoomShopping plugins "Extended format", ie those that provide online payment. Plugins "simple format" provide off-line payment, because not relevant for post-payment.
Installation instructions:
This extension is put through the installer JoomShopping (/ administrator/ index. php? option = com_jshopping & amp; controller = update ) as a regular add-on.
In the Plugin Manager Joomla
Find the plugin "JoomShopping Plugin Deferred Payment". In his settings, you have to choose the status of your order, which will be available at post-payment.
Demonstration on the front part of the site DEMO
Make a order, go to the registration, select the payment system LiqPay, Yandex.Money, WebMoney and go pay. Then you can go to the section My orders (http://demo.nevigen.com/joomshopping/moi-zakazy.html) and see how it looks like a link to the post payment.