Review Reminder JoomShopping 5

Addon allows to e-mail customers, reminding them of the opportunity to leave reviews.
Review Reminder JoomShopping 5
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Updating date:
365 days
on domain

System requirements

PHP version (min)


The “Review Reminder After Purchase” plugin for Joomshopping is designed to automatically send reminders to customers to leave a review about the purchased product. This helps improve customer feedback and increases trust in your online store.

Main functions:

  • Automatic reminders: The plugin automatically sends reminders to customers to leave a review within a specified period of time after purchase.
  • Customizable sending interval:The administrator can set the desired interval between the purchase and sending a reminder (for example, 7 days after the purchase).
  • Personalized messages:Ability to customize reminder text, including customer name and product purchased, for a more personalized approach.
  • Multiple language support: The plugin supports multilingualism, which allows you to send reminders in the client’s language.
  • Order status management: Reminders are sent only for orders with a certain status (for example, "Completed" and/or "Paid").

Advantages of use:

  • Increasing the number of reviews: Reminders encourage customers to leave reviews, which helps other customers make the right choice.
  • Improving service quality:The feedback you receive allows you to better understand customer needs and improve your service.
  • Increased trust:Having a large number of positive reviews increases the credibility of your online store and can increase sales.
Installation instructions:
After purchase, installation is carried out through the installer, which you can download in your account and install on your website. After installing the installer, you will need to enter a license key, which you can also find in your account on our website. The license key will provide access to updates and support.
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