Nevigen Audit JoomShopping 5+

Audit and management of sales, products, clients JoomShopping
Nevigen Audit JoomShopping 5+
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Bonuses for buy: $ 10.00
(needed register or login)

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PHP version (min)

Description of the software product

You can read the terms of free use at the end of the description.

This extension implements the approach of a single control center for all the main sections of the store based on JoomShopping.
It will also provide the opportunity to expand the functionality and capabilities of auditing products, orders, customers and provide a basis for forecasting and planning.
Additional functionality is planned in separate extensions, allowing to significantly simplify the work of managers, increase their efficiency, providing timely and convenient access to the necessary information in the right place. 
Features of this extension. 

- display of the list of products in a convenient informative form,
- expanded options for filtering products in the list,
- the ability to quickly and conveniently view basic statistics on products.
- advanced search capabilities by products,
- the ability to analyze the basic preparation of SEO parameters of products, with the ability to go to filtered products with "problems"
- analysis of the basic SEO preparation of products is carried out in all languages ​​​​installed for the store
- editing of products (*in updates)

- display orders in a convenient form,
- provides wide additional filtering options,
- provides advanced search options by order fields,
- the ability to quickly and conveniently view basic statistics on orders.
- additional statistics and sales analysis options are planned. (separate extensions)
- order editing (*in updates)

- display a list of clients in a convenient form,
- provides advanced search capabilities by client fields,
- the ability to quickly and conveniently view basic statistics on clients.
- the ability to block your own account has been eliminated so as not to lose control over access to the admin panel,
- a field for notes for the client has been added (Joomla user notes are integrated), which provides additional opportunities for different managers to work with the client.
- additional options for working with clients are planned (separate extensions)
- client editing (in updates)

This extension is difficult to describe, since it more closely addresses usability issues, which can only be assessed by trying.
In any case, you will be pleasantly satisfied with the purchase, we can guarantee.
The extension is planned to develop and improve the capabilities of the basic functionality.
Most of the functionality expansion will be carried out by additional extensions that you can purchase to get the functionality you need at each stage of your store development.

This extension is free.
The fact that you see the set price for it is due to the need to support this extension.
According to our rules, we provide support only for paid extensions, so the minimum price is set for it, accessible to anyone.
Why is it free?
Because the entire amount that you pay for the extension (100% of its cost) will be transferred to bonuses on your account and can be used by you to receive discounts on orders and subsequent purchase of our extensions.
Moreover, if you already have bonuses in sufficient quantity, you can pay 100% of the cost of this extension with bonuses. But as you understand, in this case, you will not receive bonuses for it.

Make your store more pleasant, more convenient, more functional.

Installation instructions:
After purchase, installation is carried out through the installer, which you can download in your account and install on your website. After installing the installer, you will need to enter a license key, which you can also find in your account on our website. The license key will provide access to updates and support.
more about installation


Reviews and rates (1)

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Опробовал это новое расширение. Считаю, что оно сделано на высоком качественном уровне и будет весьма полезно пользователям JoomShopping, поскольку делает работу с магазином более удобной и наглядной. Уже имеющийся функционал мне лично понравился и планы по развитию тоже впечатляют. Очень рад, что появился экспорт клиентов магазина. Крайне полезная функция, если пользуетесь рассылкой. В качестве предложений: на странице Заказы указывать итоговую сумму заказов (по выбранным параметрам), как в дефолтном интерфейсе либо в статистике заказов добавить выбор произвольного периода и отбор их по статусу. Не знаю насколько уместно, но совсем круто было бы в закладке Товары добавить возможность импорта / экспорта товаров по настраиваемому шаблону. Многие тогда купят, мне кажется это расширение, за большие, чем "символические" денежки. В итоге. Рекомендую всем установить и ждем новых его обновлений.

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