Additional information
Updating date:
365 days
on domain
System requirements
PHP version (min)
5.6 - 7.x
PHP extensions
OpenSSL (/administrator/index.php?option=com_admin&view=sysinfo - OpenSSL support: enabled)
Description of the software product
This extension allows you to import and export dependent / independent attributes, as well as dependent attributes and assign goods.
- Import from files created in the format of MS Excel (xls, xlsx) and Comma-Separated Values (csv)
- Export to MS Excel (xls, xlsx) and Comma-Separated Values (csv)
- Flexible configuration fields (lack of a firm consistency and availability of fields) for imports (exceptions are identifiers)
- Multilingual support
- The methods of updating dependent attributes in goods ID, code or Product Name
- NER (human-readable description). When filling out the simple words are used instead of the ID or digits indicate "Yes" or "No"
- The main and foremost advantage of this import is to use MS Excel files which can be used in formulas and others. possible. This allows you to not convert the file in CSV format before importing it, where you need to take into account the encoding, dividers, etc. MS Excel files allow you to import as it is.
- And of course we have not forgotten about the most common version of the Import and Export format is CSV. Its advantage is the speed of processing, as the file contains plain text.
The Other Side
- One of the disadvantages of using MS Excel format is the increased need for server resources. For example using the imports for 1 import, you can import 5000 records without problems, however, with 10 000 records may be a lack of server resources. The most basic option is the memory of the server. And also affects the amount of data that must be processed by the system.
- The disadvantage is the lack of a CSV normal software to work with this format, as a result we have to use MS Excel or OpenOffice. Whereby after the formation of the file it must also be converted into the correct code, with the proper separator columns.
The use of the advantages and disadvantages
That's why our product can use both options and you can use it to those who will not give you any inconvenience.
Add or Remove.
Installation is made through the control panel "Installing and Upgrading" itself JoomShopping, as usual addon. (/administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=update)
Removal is in the list of add-ons JoomShopping. (/administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=addons)
Enter key is carried out in the list of add-ons. (/administrator/index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=addons)
Files for download
Demo structure file for import attributes -
Number of downloads: 216
Reviews and rates (4)
Don't forget to rate purchase extended and get +50

Я добавил несколько тысяч атрибутов за пару часов! Все привязал и поставил цены и параметры!
Это блин пару дней работы экономии!
В версии 2.0 при экспорте атрибутов назначенные товарам работает только выгрузка в csv, все остальные форматы приводят к ошибке 500 (php 7.1/joomla 3.8.4)
Support answer 03.02.2018
Вероятно для формата xlsx не хватает ресурсов сервера, скорее всего памяти.

Юрій Коцюбинський
Joomla! 3.5.1
Джум шопінг Version 4.12.3
Оновлення проводиться через саму джумлу
Р.С. Бажано додати цю інфу до опису

Расширение не просто отличное, а уникальное.
Особенно если в маге используются зависимые атрибуты и конечно же когда ВСЕ их цены нужно держать в актуальном состоянии.

Юрій Коцюбинський
непогане розширення але його потрібно ще доробляти (воно має експортувати всі атрибути які назначені товарам але експортує не всі лише 1680 замість обіцяних 5000) от якби розробники виділили свій час і доробили до цього розширення логічний вибор товарів з атрибутами, тобто не все експортувати а окрему категорію товарів... тоді потрошку можна було б і експортувати всі атрибути а так вище 2 поставити неможу. :(